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Juicy Fest Blacklock Rose
Timeless Summer Tour Blacklock Rose

Creditor Information

We appreciate your patience during this process and invite all Juicy Fest creditors to submit your creditors claim form to ensure your claim is properly recorded. This is an important step in the process, allowing us to assess and address outstanding claims efficiently. Please ensure all required information is accurately completed when submitted. We appreciate your cooperation. 

Once you have completed your creditors claim form, please email to

If you have any questions about the process, please contact our hotline. However, we are currently experiencing a high volume of calls and are working hard to assist everyone as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and thanks for your understanding.

Contact Us

Freephone 0800 430-911


Whangarei Office

Third Floor,

5 Hunt Street,

Whangarei 0110,

New Zealand

Auckland Office

Suite 2.5

Dominion Road

Mt Eden


Creditor Claim Form

© 2025 Blacklock Rose Limited.

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